Saturday, August 2, 2014


          I haven't posted a Blog for some time because I've been so busy writing articles for The Messenger, including illustrating the cover and designing most of the ads.  This month's issue has full colour on the back and front cover, which I think adds quality and interest to the publication.  I'm not sure if this small publication will still be operating after the September issue because the population in the area drops off quite dramatically.  I've considered expanding the distributing area of The Messenger into parts of Woodstock but the production and distribution of this mini-newspaper would be so costly, I'm not sure the advertisers would pay the sharp increase for the cost of an ad.  However, I may give it a test run in the future if I can get more advertisers within Woodstock and the outlying regions - it is, after all - very new, and a work in progress.
          Being the Editor and flunky as well, I am open to any ideas for the success of this publication on a monthly basis.  Also, I would appreciate any output, negative or positive about the article I wrote New Brunswick - Then and Now".  There is a Letters to the Editor column and I am always looking for comments regarding any of the articles, plus whatever a reader may find interesting and informative.  We enjoy working with the different communities helping to get out their events and learning about possible local content that people would enjoy reading, so let me know what is going on in your part of the woods - cheers, eh!