Lone Wolf - Unfinished 11"x14" Painting
Our 3/4 ton diesel truck "Buddy" decided to break down yesterday after we left the Woodstock Farmer's Market; because of the clicking sounds emitting from the engine, whenever the ignition key was turned on, even though I know almost absolutely nothing about engines, my money (quite literally) is on the starter having a huge hissy-fit while complaining, "Enough is enough! I aint gonna start no more!"
Just getting Buddy towed to a mechanic in Canterbury was $125.00, so I can't imagine how much the repair bill will be; almost every time beforehand when the truck broke down, we were looking at a grand - a thousand little shiny loonies pirouetting out of our pockets and into someone else's piggy bank Unfortunately, since I was unable to pick up some more building materials for my baby-barn project, I may not get much further on it this coming week. However, if that's the case, perhaps I can finish the "Lone Wolf" painting and perhaps a few more - would be great to have some new paintings for our Arts Festival, which will be happening here on August 19th. (Incidentally, we're still looking for a few more artisans to sign up and reserve their spaces - should be just as good a time as last year.)
One thing about the hordes of mosquitoes and Buddy breaking down, the time should be well-spent indoors; a time for healing some of my aches and pains. Haven't been sleeping that good either, so the rest should be good as well for this old guy, who sometimes still thinks he's got the energy of a young man and often over does it - drives meself beyond me limits. Like the mosquitoes basking around all the mud puddles, ponds and lakes located near the base of Green Mountain, me thinks I'll break out me paints and brushes, pop the lid off a cold one, kick me legs out and enjoy its golden amber flavour as I paint away - cheers, eh!
One thing about the hordes of mosquitoes and Buddy breaking down, the time should be well-spent indoors; a time for healing some of my aches and pains. Haven't been sleeping that good either, so the rest should be good as well for this old guy, who sometimes still thinks he's got the energy of a young man and often over does it - drives meself beyond me limits. Like the mosquitoes basking around all the mud puddles, ponds and lakes located near the base of Green Mountain, me thinks I'll break out me paints and brushes, pop the lid off a cold one, kick me legs out and enjoy its golden amber flavour as I paint away - cheers, eh!