Monday, April 4, 2011


"Your name has been staring directly at me since the moment I first laid eyes on you.  Greed is what that villainous spellbinder counted on.  He believed anyone trying to guess your name would only be interested in how much your spectacles are worth since they're very valuable.  If perchance they managed to capture you, as soon as they tired of putting you on display like some sort of freak and charging money for people to see a real live mermaid, they'd do whatever was necessary to remove your glasses.  It’s true, you're wearing the magician's clue on your face and it's cleverly disguised amongst the gold, silver, diamonds and other precious gems.  The two big red jewels imbedded in the tips of your spectacles are the clue!  Hold me tightly my beauty, I want to feel you transform into a whole woman, feel your joy and your completeness when I tell you your name."
Holding each other in their arms, the sailorman watched as the two big red rubies fastened at the tips of the spectacles began brightly glowing when he whispered into the mermaids ear, "Your name is Ruby." 
It wasn't necessary for the sailorman or the mermaid to look down, to know that instead of a large fish tail, she once again had legs.  As much as she was enjoying lying on the deck with her boatman she said, “I’ve got to stand, it seems like an eternity since I stood.” 
            The sailorman was speechless when he looked at her standing in the fading sunlight; she was utterly beautiful and utterly complete, a woman in every way.  Stepping towards her, he lifted the glasses from her face and as he held them in his hand, the blood red rubies glittering their enchantment, he looked into her eyes and said, “You won’t be needing these anymore Priscilla.”  And having said that, pitched them into the sea.

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