Tuesday, August 13, 2013


          The sun is climbing high over the ridge and birds can been heard singing merrily just outside my studio window.  My wife, Sarah and her daughter left early this morning, when the roosters began their greeting of the dawn; a red glow in the sky, perhaps the harbinger of a storm.  They have gone to Halifax for a medical check-up on Jessica's collar bone, which was operated on a short time ago; the doctor wants to make sure that it's healing properly.  So, here I sit, gazing out the window, enjoying my solitude before I open the door and put out the sign - Sarah's coffee shop is now open for business.  
          I have a lot to do myself for preparation of our Golden Unicorn Arts Festival, which will be occurring this coming Sunday - our big event of the year - always fun for the artisan participants, the entertainers and of course the people who will be attending the festivities.  However, due to the fact that both of my knees are not working so well, after spending two days on them laying laminate flooring and then my back gave out when I bent over to pick up a small bag of groceries, I'm going to enjoy today just relaxing and conversing with whoever drops in to purchase a cup of coffee and some of Sarah's great baking delights.  Since I've been unable to do any strenuous physical work the past little while, I have been puttering about in my studio, getting all the artwork in order so everything looks neat and tidy and presentable for Sunday's event.
          Being somewhat disabled at the moment, hasn't dampened my spirits even though the torrential downpours has me concerned that even though we are a fair distance inland from the Atlantic Ocean, we may have waterfront property in the not too distant future.  Last winter was so long and snowy-harsh and since spring, if it's still spring time, doesn't seem to want to end, has me wondering if summer has yet to arrive (forget about autumn) and winter will soon be knocking on our doorstep.  The weather outlook for this coming Sunday, seems to be favourable, but that could change in a hurry.  However, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be a good day; a day of enjoyment for all concerned.
          My young and hard-working friend Justin Higgs came over yesterday to buck up the big silver maple tree that was dropped in the front yard, a little while ago, because it was dying and looking very hazardous, especially since we've had some fairly violent wind storms lately.  It was a hot day to split and stack firewood and I could see by Justin's sweat-soaked T-shirt that some cold beers were in order.  We always have pretty good conversations and I'm delighted by his interest in the environment and some of the other topics we sometimes discuss because I can't believe how many of the other people who live out here and I talk with, they almost seem to be wearing blinders - the biggest line I hear is - well, when the whole world goes for a shit, I won't be here; I'll be long gone by then.  What I don't understand is; who do they think will still be living here if, or I should say, when the shit hits the fan - if not them, then most likely their children or their grandchildren; that's who!  We have been so brainwashed into thinking only about the economy, which is usually very destructive, instead of embracing ecology; like I told one person the other day, we can't eat or drink oil.  Justin has been considering growing a large garden and I have to take my hat off to him if he does that because not many young people would think an endeavour like that was very ambitious, especially when most of them have been conditioned to believe pushing paper and tapping on a keyboard is a form of work.  Digging, weeding and constant tending of a large garden is work; back-breaking, sweaty work; but the rewards of planting a seed, watching it grown and then harvesting it is very rewarding; nothing like a full belly at the end of a day.  I would really like to plant a large garden and as much as I dream about it's nutritional values, no harmful pesticides and modified chemicals added to aid the growth, I just don't think my back is physically capable of doing such a thing.  The only way I can consider having a garden would be to plant a raised-garden, so I wouldn't have to get down on my hands and knees or bend over too far and that's something I've been really considering.
          Dang!  The morning is passing by quite rapidly; even though I've been busy since 5:30 this morning, I see by the time that I will have to open the coffee shop very soon.  Guess I better head out to the chicken coop to gather up the early eggs and then head into the house and put on the coffee - even if no one shows up this early, I think I'm about ready to have one - cheers, eh!

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