Wednesday, November 6, 2013


          The CBC is having a writing contest, which is titled "Bloodlines" and anyone can enter.  Since both my wife and I enjoy writing, we each entered a short story, which can't be over 500 words and if you are fast reader like me, the stories are not ones you would read while sitting on the toilet, not unless you were suffering from diarrhea - then the story and your business would most likely be concluded at the same time.  Personally, I prefer a lengthy novel while dropping a steaming 16-coiler, because then if I haven't finished the story, I can at least bend the corner of a page to mark my place, or if what I've read is utterly boring, I can use the pages I've read to tidy up my behind.     
          I chose to write about my mother, especially since we have the same blood, very red blood I might add.    The photograph of my mom was taken when she married my dad and as you can see, she was a very pretty woman.  Although the story does mention my father; it's more about my mother, so that's why I removed him from the photo, besides he didn't look too happy that day; perhaps he had a premonition of what was to come. or perhaps, since he was a professional gambling man, he was wondering how to cut the honeymoon a little short so he could get into a good game of poker.   Anyway, if you would care to read about my mother, just a snippet that is, I'd be grateful and especially grateful if you left a comment.  Here's the link to Bloodlines and if for some reason it doesn't open, just go to CBC Writes and look for my mom's photo or the title Transformation.  Hope you enjoy the read - cheers, eh!  


  1. Great story Len, love that despite the difficulties there was always that 'twinkle'

  2. Thanks Bren - it's good to try and retain that 'twinkle' - for some, so early in life, - it often fades before its time - cheers, eh!
