Saturday, February 8, 2014


          I thought I'd change the look of my blog a wee bit; not sure if it's an improvement or not, especially with the photo, which was taken by a friend of mine, Gary Stairs last winter.  I don't think I've aged too much since then and even if I have, there isn't a dang thing I can do about it - although maybe if I ironed my face and had a dye job, it just might improve my appearance.  I suppose I could have posted a much younger photo of myself, back in the day when the hair on my head wasn't grey but then anyone I actually know today who reads this blog, probably wouldn't recognize me. This winter is just as blasted cold as the preceding winters I've spent in New Brunswick at the foot of Green Mountain in Fosterville and since I'm not what anyone would call a fashion statement, I'm wearing the same clothes now that I'm wearing in last year's photo - a fur hat with the ear flaps up and a heavy-duty Cowichan sweater - warmth is what this old man is all about these days and especially since 72 winters have taken their toll - my hot blood just aint so hot anymore - some of the arteries most likely dammed up with fatty substances of every description.  However, with my daily medication being a cold Moose Head Pale Ale, I try to keep the blood thinned so it keeps flowing - the further extremities still receiving the least of whatever heat my old heart generates.
          There's nothing worse than getting cornered by a man as old as I am because us old men can just rattle your ear off about how it was in the past - a lot of years have gone by that I can jabber about, so look out - and I guess if you've read this far, it's too late - you've been captured.  However, I do believe your keyboard has an escape key and a delete key, not to mention the little x in the top right hand corner of this page, so hey, if you're not liking what you've read thus far, just send this rambling old man's blog into the bottomless abyss of cyberspace.  
          I've no idea if anyone read the last comment and only comment I received regarding the last post, The Giant Snail.  The commenter wrote that I seem to have a fixation or fetish about a person's ass and of course, especially since I receive so few comments regarding my blogs; I replied to his comment - I think it's only polite to write something back, especially since they took the time to write some "constructive criticism" about this old man's ramblings.  I remember, a long way back when I was just a young, aspiring artist attending art school, when one of my sketches was used as a full page advertisement in regards to a ballet concert starring Rudolf Nureyev that was being held in Vancouver, BC at the theatre.  A reader took offence to my artwork and wrote into the paper about how bad my sketch was - it's funny - at the time I felt a little offended but after some thought and consideration, I was actually glad because to me, it showed that someone actually noticed my artistic endeavour - it was right up there with the time someone stole one of my sketches off the wall during an art school exhibition.  Like the comment I received, I know it's not a compliment, but at least I know someone actually took the time to read this old man's ramblings and I appreciate that.  Although, yes, the snail that I wrote about was certainly disgusting, I realize my vocabulary at times coming right out of the gutter but then I've been there too and if it's that offensive, well then just hit the little x at the top of the page - that's what I do when I lose interest in what I'm seeing or reading.  What I mean is, I'm just going to keep on writing whatever I please and use any old descriptive words that pop into this old  man's brain because I know that as many people who find my rantings offensive, there are just as many or maybe more who actually get a kick out of what I write - actually put a smile on their faces - and in these times when our fragile world is reeling on the edge of chaos, the population is growing at a hideous rate, the environment is collapsing - in other words our asses are almost grass - if I can spread a grin across someone's face, make happy dimples appear, even get a good guffaw - then that's what I'm all about - cheers, eh!    


  1. Well I love your old wrinkly ass so even if you ARE an ass, you are MY ass :) Love ya sexy old man!

  2. Though I might not comment each time, I am an avid reader of your blog, you make me smile and you make me think too, winning combo I think

  3. Thanks Bren - good to hear - I know I write a lot of bullcrap too but then that's what old guys do - hang in there - will try to keep you smiling - cheers, eh!
