Saturday, February 18, 2012


          It's blog day today; not for everybody but for me.  Seems like living the way I do in the world of boonieville, if I'm not chatting it up with the chickens, grumbling with the goat, chinwagging with the cat or having a friendly discourse with the dog, I'm talking mainly to myself.  Now talking to oneself is actually a good thing because unlike the animals that may seem as if they're taking in my every word and nodding in agreement; I actually listen to the ramblings that spew out of my mouth.  It's a good way to let anger dissipate like an early morning mist, put problems into the proper perspective and sometimes, like a wild wolf, just howl at the moon and laugh till your guts ache.  Although talking to one's self  is often a good way for letting off steam, I still have to be careful that I don't keep just talking about the same old problem over and over again, turning a wee mole hill into a gigantic mountain until it takes a crate of dynamite to blow it to bloody hell.  I found when it gets to that point, I always find something or other to distract my line of thinking; often times a good sleep will solve the problem in a sort of abstract dream; pieces of the puzzle just seem to fall into play and a proper balance occurs.  After what I just wrote, a person might think that I've got an irritating woodpecker doing a tap dance on my backbone but things are relatively fine here at the base of Green Mountain, Fosterville, NB.  The sun is shining brightly; the snow glittering like pocket fulls of priceless gems are strewn across the ground and through the forest; makes one feel as if the breath of spring is about to kiss the earth and life will once again struggle to the surface of the frozen world.  If I have anything to gripe about today, I can't really think what it would be about - it's so good to be alive!
          Yesterday was my big day out to the wee town of Woodstock, not to be confused with the big love-in place that took place during Aug. 15 - 18, 1969 in the state of New York; three days of drugs, booze, sex and rock n' roll music.  It was a so-so day at the Farmer's Market as far as Sarah selling her wares; the slight snowfall making the side-walks and roads a little slippery.  Other than the truck making a cool sliding movement on the icy road similar to a smooth Michael Jackson fancy foot manoeuvre on a slippery stage, the trip to and back from Woodstock were both long but enjoyable.  
Teary Night
          We're beginning to gear up for our 2nd Annual Arts Festival here at Golden Unicorn Farm in August; artisans are beginning to sign up, the poster is ready and has been put in several locations to remind other artisans and the public of the upcoming event.  For my own preparation. I picked up my brushes and began painting again, what I hope will be affordable original art that most anyone can purchase if they like what they see.  Teary Night (for lack of a better title - if anyone has a good idea for a title, let me know) is just a figment of my imagination; although like a lot of people, I sometimes feel sad and somewhat adrift, just floating along taking the path of least resistance; without a real meaning to my existence.  Teary Night is a 12"x16" acrylic painting on board and is For Sale.  Can you believe that for just $100. (plus shipping) a person could own a world famous Len Sherman painting; well perhaps I exaggerated a wee bit; not "world famous"; guess I should be honest about myself; sorry not really famous either; not even famous, except in my own mind, where I scream out to Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Picasso, Worhol and thousands of other famous artists, "Move over!  Leave me just a finger hold on that silvery pedestal you've all got your asses planted on!"  Strange as it may seem though, some New York art gallery person has been reading this blog and sent me an email yesterday to get in touch with them.  Instead of writing this blog, perhaps that's what I should be doing but I'm a thinker, a cynic, a midnight-lover ( now where did those words come from?) and oh yeah, and more importantly, I'm broke; perhaps I should consider checking this gallery out; there's always something on a wee farm that needs built, mended, critters fed and tended properly, not to mention us, the care-tenders of Golden Unicorn Farm - we got our needs too.
          Guess I better end this blog now; maybe check out the weather since the sun has disappeared and snow is beginning to fall.  Ah, no point checking the weather, just looked out the window and what I'm seeing, is telling me to get off my bony ass; go clean out the chicken coop, muck out the goats' stall and shovel some bloody snow - there's always something here to distract my thoughts of becoming famous, perhaps joining a rock n' roll band - nah, can't sing or play an instrument - even my farts are out of tune - time to go; hope you had a good read - cheers, eh!


  1. Enjoyed your post as always, you make me smile. Beautiful piece and I think 'Teary Night' is a great title. Good luck with that NY Art Gallery !

  2. Hi Bren - thank you for your comment and I'm glad if what I have to say, even though some of the subjects are not very happy subjects, makes you smile. Without humour in our lives, with all the tragedy that surrounds us, would be a life without hope - cheers, eh!

  3. I`i raise it to 50.00
