Sunday, May 20, 2012


          I expect most people who read this blog have heard about the Alberta tar sands or oil sands.  I for one believe the damage being done isn't just a provincial issue but an international issue - every country in the world, no matter how small, should be rejecting this venture and we, the Canadian people, should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this abominable and inhuman act occur.  I firmly believe it is in this planet's and every living creature's interest that it comes to a screeching halt, even if it means slamming on the brakes so hard, it causes a major oil crisis.   I live in the small province of New Brunswick, Canada and I find it incredibly unbelievable that our premier, David Alward, who I understand is or was a farmer (someone who should respect the land) is in favour of fracking (extracting oil from shale).  The ongoing destruction of Alberta, the daily ritual of turning the province into a toxic wasteland should be a severe lesson to him and his followers - a good not to do lesson.  To think, I actually voted for this man, now disgusts me!  He is quoted as saying in an interview, "I would love to see more young people in New Brunswick or more New Brunswickers in general being able to work here ... instead of having to go to other parts of Canada."   This is not a man of vision but a government big-business lackey - being concerned about employment when it means the destruction of our little province - he should be asking himself instead, where will the "young people" go when the entire province has become a toxic wasteland?  The despicable oil sands projects that have already and still are occurring in Alberta, now cover an area larger than New Brunswick.  I was wondering, for doing such a good job as premier, if David Alward was to be given a farm near the centre of the oil sands or perhaps all our government leaders were awarded mansions on the outskirts of the oil sands, if he and the others would live there?  What they may need is first hand experience trying to live under the same conditions that they have forced the people and wildlife in that area to reside.  If that were to happen, I do believe the Canadian people and the international community as a whole would see some drastic changes being made in regards to fracking and other means of extracting oil.
          I'm 70 years old now and up to not so long ago, I expected my kids to outlive me by many years but when I look around, it wouldn't surprise me in the least when I grab hold of that "sweet chariot commin' for to carry me home" if my whole family were sitting alongside of me, and that's a very sad thought.  I posted this film that I watched a little while ago on Facebook and asked all my friends there to share it and I'm really hoping that you will watch it too and pass it on to your friends.  I firmly believe that if the entire population in the world were to join hands, forget most of our squabbles, we could make a change and become compassionate and accountable human beings, a real but peaceful force to reckon with.  When you think about it, the general population far outnumbers our politicians, religious leaders, scientists and wealthy people - we have a voice - we have a roar - it's time to unite - cheers, eh!            

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