Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Poster for Our Upcoming Golden Unicorn Arts Festival

          As a kid, I often read comic books in my bedroom; Super Heroes like Batman and Superman always caught my attention.  At the moment, with so much to do here on Golden Unicorn Farm, like in my younger years, I still kind of wish I could be like Superman - not so much to take on all the villains and make the world a safer place but to have his super human powers so I could get some of the work around this farm done, most of it in very short order.   I'd wear a skin tight super blue outfit, bright red knee boots and a cape; why hell, I'd even wear a crest on my chest and my bright red undies on the outside, even though at my age, my pathetic old man's sagging physique, it made me look down right comedic, as long as it would insure getting some work finished around here.  I zip around the barn yard the odd time thinking and feeling like I'm a little old Superman, that is, until holy kryptonite, after I sit down for a break and then try to stand up, I can hardly straighten my legs and my back feels as if it had been compressed into an Oreo cookie for about a day and a half.  Besides trying to finish off the barn, (rafter braces and battens, etc.) nesting boxes for the chickens and a manger for the goats still need building and we also have an Arts Festival happening, not this coming Sunday but the next.  And that's not all, it's Fosterville Days or Field Days this weekend and my wife has volunteered me to join her in the parade handing out 500 tiny cookies, in the shape and color of the Canadian maple leaf, to all the bystanders.  We're trying to promote the upcoming Arts Festival and her little coffee shop.  Our float consists of a ride-'em lawnmower driven by Brendan Leeman.  It will be pulling a wee trailer containing a bale of hay with a couple of signs advertising the coffee shop and the arts event.  I told Sarah if she wanted a real grabber for the parade, we should get a white horse, scotch tape a horn to its forehead and then she could ride the beautiful unicorn as Lady Godiva.  She'd look great up on the unicorn's back, as long as the it wasn't spooked and lit out across the fields because then her big hooters would most likely bounce up and hit her square in the face - then WHAMO - I'd have to make like Superman and come to her rescue - SWOOSH - before she hit the ground!
         I most likely shouldn't be writing this blog but since I just finished four signs advertising the Arts Festival, I thought I'd take a wee break, crack a beer and knock off a few paragraphs.  Although I'll be participating in the art event as an artist, opening up my studio to the public, hopefully sell something, my main job will be bar-b-qing weiners and sausages.  It's hard to believe that I haven't worked on a painting for almost three years and wouldn't be surprised if I don't pick up a paint brush for another year - just so much to do - still haven't finished the upstairs bedrooms (a winter project if I can get some lumber to put in the flooring).  Bill and Anita Leeman gave us some large floor tiles, enough to do one bedroom, Rachel's (16) the oldest of Sarah's two girls but the way she feels about ghosts, I doubt very much that she will use it until everyone else moves up too.  Oh well, even if I don't get to paint this winter, it will be nice when the Arts Festival happens, get to meet a lot of artists, some of which I know are extremely talented.  
          It's raining at the moment - not that it's unusual - rained almost everyday it seems this summer so far.  At least the well won't go dry like it almost did last summer.  It's peacefull here as I listen to the rain drumming lightly on the metal roof over my studio and watch the shiny green leaves dance about when the rain drops hit them.  I've noticed the goats are not too partial to rain; as soon as it begins, they head straight to the barn - Luki the dog right on their heels. Rain or shine, I haven't had much of an opportunity to go for a walk; there's just been too many things to do - hopefully I can manage a few hikes in the fall when the landscape is extremely colorful and vibrant - a feast for the eyes.
          What's that I see in the's a bird, it's a plane, it''s a bird - just shat in my eye - time to get back to work - no Superman here, just an old guy dabbling on the computer - cheers - eh!

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