Friday, October 14, 2011


          Been working my butt off lately; hardly a muscle, a sinew or a bone that's not aching.  Oh yeah, the old head bone isn't aching - seldom get head aches.  Lost the use of my right hand for a little while a few days back, it was so sore, I couldn't turn a door knob.  My neck aches every time I turn my head - I'm wondering if it's the spurs in the neck bones that are finally acting up.  Doctor told me a long time ago that because of the way they were increasing in size, one day my neck would lock up.  I just hope I haven't turned my head when it happens or I'll most likely have to live out the remainder of my life walking sideways like a crab.
         My wife and I went to the farmer's market in Woodstock today, just like we almost always do on Fridays; it was slower than a snail; hardly a soul came through the doors.  Sarah sold several of her sticky-buns; seems there are people in the state of Maine who have heard about her sticky-buns too.  They're so huge, they almost make a meal by themselves and they're sticky-licking good too.  I don't usually eat them even though they have zero calories and no sugar because then I'd get fat and nothing looks worse than a fat skinny guy, except maybe an old, fat, wrinkled up skinny guy, which I am - my legs would look like two toothpicks - sort of like Humpty-Dumpty and just about as fragile.
          I can hear the rain pounding down on the metal roof - so much rain, it reminds me of when I was living in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, BC.  Luckily, it's night time and all the outside chores have been looked after - the dog and the goat are comfy and dry in the barn and the chickens are all snuggled together on their roosts - and since I put an eave trough on the garage, when I'm fussing with the lock in the dark with a cup of steaming hot tea in one hand, trying to get a key into it, I don't have the rain gushing off the roof and down the back of my neck.
          Life is grand here at the base of Green Mountain on the edge of Fosterville, NB with the New Year, 2012 almost peeping over the horizon.  With all the predictions, the Mayan calendar ending and the end of the world about to occur, maybe I shouldn't have bothered busting my butt so hard this year - maybe I should have spent my last buck and half, went on a trip before everything comes to an end.  Let's just say the world comes to an end next year, and for some, regardless if the whole bloody place does or does not, it will happen for them anyway - but should the actual world end, have you ever given much thought to how it's going to end.  Will the politicians, after scratching their heads for so many, many years, mostly worrying about the economy, never coming to a satisfactory decision on conclusion, finally, just butt their heads together and proclaim, "It's time to have World War III" then drag out all the nuclear bombs and set them off like fireworks celebrating the Chinese New Year?  Do you think when the time comes, the Earth will just go off with a big bang or maybe just die, ooze off into outer space and orbit around the sun leaving a long trail of slime like a slug?  Have you ever considered that water and ice weigh a lot; the Earth wobbling on its axis, so with the polar ice melting so fast, the old world might suddenly take a dip or a final bow, which will cause the ice to slide and wipe out everything in it's path?  Then of course, if a person happens to be religious, do they have the same outlook as the book of Revelations in the Holy Bible; where all who have lived before join whoever is living now to fight the last battle of good against evil?  If the Earth is crowded now; it will certainly be crowded then.  And, if that's the case, since the good guys win, if a person has a choice on which side they want to fight - who the hell, even if a person is meaner than Satan, why would they pick the losing side - but then again, perhaps a person's choice has already been made by the way they have already lived.
          Out here where I live, some of the people have declined the technology age of the computer and I'm reading a book where one of the main characters has chosen this way of life as well.  Not only does he not have a computer, he doesn't have a TV or radio and refuses to read newspapers.  Some may think these people have there heads in a hole in the ground like an ostrich and are choosing ignorance over progress but when I think about it, they may have the right idea.  Most of us are caught up in all that Media hype, our idols mainly egotistical celebrities on all levels.  Many are dreaming to acquire the all American or Canadian dream - what the hell is that - it's certainly not freedom - it's more like sitting beside a pool in a third world country, sipping on a cold drink, while stuffing down the most decadent foods that are served by some poor guy who most likely shares a hovel with a wife and twelve starving kids.  I kind of live on the edge of the back woods and most likely, if I were smart, I'd embrace this lifestyle wholly - there's something to be said for ignoring about 99% of the bullshit that's continually hyped at me - might be kind of nice to be busting my butt, feeling my joints ache like hell, the sweat pouring down my back and off my forehead when, if this world should suddenly take its final bow and not know that it's happening.  However, there's that old saying, "what comes round goes round" and since the problems of the world has taken such a long time to almost reach its climax, I expect when it happens, the going will be slow - no big bang - no wham, blam, thank you ma'am stuff - no shit like that - the human race will pay an awful price - quite possibly a slow and agonizing death. 
          I guess I shouldn't end the blog on such a morose note - of course you've heard the good news, some astronomer has found a planet that appears to be much like our planet Earth.  I think they named it Earth II and it only takes, not 35 million light years to arrive there; it's only 35 light years away - talk about dangling a carrot in front of our noses - cheers - eh! 


  1. There was nothing remorse about this blog except I thought it was porn by the title...disappointed!

    Just kidding...
    Possible Hypothesis, the residents of Earth II as we arrogantly call it are already on route to consume our flaccid over fed corpses..maybe the Myans weren't so clever and got their information first hand...

    You are correct, most of what we are fed information wise does not matter and we can survive without it.

  2. Sorry about the blog not being porn - you should have read my short story Interview With a Hooker that I wrote last winter - almost got myself excited - just kidding.
