Saturday, February 26, 2011


When Inspector Sandy Addison left the Remington Hotel, he haled a hansom cab, which was parked just outside the hotel's entrance, to take him to the Charlesworth estate.  He wasn’t too concered about a ride back since one of Lady Charlesworth's drivers always returned him to Scotland Yard or wherever else he wished to go.

Inspector Addison had barely finished knocking on the door when it was opened by Hobson.  He greeted the inspector somewhat worriedly.  The inspector asked to see Lady Charlesworth and was told that she had gone to the stables earlier and was most likely still riding.  He was about to say that he’d actually came to see the gardener, when they heard a very loud and hideous gurgling scream coming from the garden area.  Sandy yelled at the butler, “Stay here and lock the door!  I’ll investigate the matter.”

The inspector charged across the massive lawn.  Not bothering with the gate, he easily leaped over a chest-high wrought iron fence and proceeded running down a stone walkway.  Dashing along the winding path leading to the greenhouse he called out, “Is anybody here?  Can I be of assistance?”

When no one answered, the inspector slowed down considerably and cautiously made his way through the beautiful gardens until he arrived at the nursery and adjoining garden house.  The door to the garden house was slightly ajar and as he knocked on it, asking if anyone was there, it slowly swung open on its well-oiled hinges revealing a grizzly and most ghastly scene.  Mr. Biaggio, the gardener, was lying in a huge pool of blood; his pants ripped wide open at the crotch.  Besides having his throat slashed wide open, almost from ear to ear, a large pair of gardening shears was protruding from his right eye and lying between his legs was his dismembered penis!  As he quickly dashed out the door to see if the killer was anywhere in sight he thought, whoever killed the gardener must have really hated him.  Upon seeing no one, he stopped and surveyed the peaceful garden and listened for any unusual sounds but all he saw and heard was an abundance of beautiful flowers and singing birds.  However, when he looked downwards, he espyed a pair of bloody foot prints leading away from the garden house towards two rows of rose bushes.  Since there was nothing he could do for the unfortunate Mr. Biaggio, the inspector proceeded following the killers foot steps between the rose bushes.  Before too long they disappeared into some long grass and although he could see where the grass had been crushed down where the killer had stepped, he soon lost the trail when it led into the forest. 

Seeing a slight clearing ahead, carefully stepping over roots and boulders, a determined Sandy pressed on until he reached what appeared to be a riding path.  He was hoping to find some foot prints but all he found were fresh hoof marks going in both directions down the trail.  Judging by the distance they were apart, the horse had been running quite fast; most likely Lady Charlesworth on her morning ride.

When the inspector returned to the murder scene, Hobson and many of the servants had gathered around the unfortunate Mr. Biaggio.  Some were in tears but most just stood with a shocked look on their face, having never seen such a gruesome spectacle.  He thought it odd that Amelia was no where in sight and asked Hobson about her whereabouts to which he explained, “I don’t know.  I haven’t seen her this morning.  Perhaps she’s still in her room.  She often reads before coming downstairs for breakfast.”

“Hobson, will you please take the employees back to the house; have them go about their duties and then send someone to fetch an ambulance and the coroner.  And, oh yes, have the Yard send out several bobbies as well.”

When everyone had left, the inspector went inside the garden house to see if he could find any obvious clues that the hasty killer may have left behind..  Everything in the small room seemed to be in order; the tools were in their proper places, growing pots were stacked neatly, even the packet of seeds still clutched tightly in the dead man’s hand hadn’t spilled.  That’s odd, mused the inspector.  A big strong man like the gardener and there's no sign of a struggle.  Clearly, he knew his assailant. 

As inspector Addison looked at the body more closely, opening his shirt even wider than had been slashed apart by the killer, he noticed a thin narrow red mark near the hair line at  the back of his head; something had been forcibly ripped from his neck.  The slash to his throat and the stab to his eye had been very swift; not quite as clean as Sir Rodney’s but just as deadly.  The deceased, such was the deadly slash to his throat, would have bled out in a very short time; there was no need to stab him in the eye any more than cutting off his penis; those two acts blatantly confirmed his suspicion that the gardener knew his killer.. 

By the time the coroner and the ambulance arrived, plus another covered horse-drawn cart with several bobbies riding in it, Lady Charlesworth and her sister, insisting on seeing the body, looked very pale, as if they could vomit at any moment.  They thought the murder was most dispicable and couldn't believe how someone could disgracefully mutilate a body in such a manner.  When the inspector enquired about their whereabouts at the time of the murder, Lady Charlesworth had been where Hobson had said; out riding, and Amelia proclaimed that she had slept in and never heard a sound.  Who wouldn’t have heard that agonized scream; it was enough to wake the dead, thought the inspector?

After the inspector had a brief conversation with the coroner, the body carefully loaded into the ambulance and now on it's way to the morgue, a somewhat agitated Amelia asked, “Did the murderer leave any clues as to who iit might be?  It has to be someone here at the house doesn’t it?   Lady Charlesworh wrapped her arm around her sister's waist and pulled her close when she said,  “I’m scared.” 

The inspector noticed that Amelia was wearing a full length kimono and that her feet were bare and that her sister must have cleaned up after her ride.  She was wearing a long summery dress, frilly white blouse and dainty shoes.  Feeling there was something not quite right with this picture, even though it appeared all very normal, inspector Sandy Addison took a mental image of them standing together; one sister comforting the other.  When he turned away from the two sisters, now holding hands, the glare from a huge diamond on Lady Charlesworth wedding ring starkly glittering in the sunlight catching his attention; everything seemed to flash into place.

Turning back to the two sisters the inspector said to Lady Charlesworth, “Since I’ll be staying for awhile longer.  If you wouldn't mind, while I give further instructions to the bobbies, could you please have one of your cooks fix up some nice sandwiches and a pot of tea - I'm famished!" 

Lady Charlesworth was about to say she would see to it when he continued, "Also, I'd like both you and Amelia to join me in the parlor, I’m sure you'll find what I have to say, most informative.  And oh yes, one last thing, could you please send Hobson out to see me – thank you.”

After having a few words with Hobson, the inspector sent him back to the house and said, a wry grin on his face, “I believe it’s time for tea.”

When Hobson met the inspector at the front door, led him down to the parlor and ushered him through the door, he winked and quietly said, “Mum’s the word.”

When the inspector entered the room and sat down across from Lady Charlesworth and Amelia, he noticed that Amelia was now wearing what looked like the same black outfit she had worn the last time he had talked to her.

After the maid had arrived and placed a plate of tiny sandwiches without crusts on the small table set before them and poured their cups of tea, she was excused. 

“I know I shouldn’t say this, especially right after such a gruesome murder, but I’m absolutely famished!” As inspector Alexander Addison, rather than daintily nibbling, popped a large bite-sized sandwich into his mouth and began chewing he said, “I don’t know why and I hope it’s not because I see so much blood and gore but I’m always very hungry after I’ve viewed some poor victim who has come to a most unfortunate dispicable end like our dear Mr Biaggio.”

“I never would have thought so either, but you know,” exclaimed Lady Charlesworth, as she too, popped a whole sandwich into her mouth and began chewing, “I’m ravenous as well.”

Alison looked at the two of them munching on their sandwiches and said somewhat disgustingly, “How can you even eat at a time like this?  Poor Mr. Biaggio just had his throat slit from ear to ear.  I can’t possibly eat a thing!”

As they were eating their sandwiches and sipping their tea, Hobson knocked at the door and said one of the bobbies wanted to see the Inspector.  “Splendid!  Send him in,” said the inspector, I’m certain he’s uncovered some evidence at the gardener’s lodging.”

The bobby, a tall young man feeling somewhat out of place in the midst of such high social position, entered the parlor carrying what looked like an armful of satin green material.  

“Ah yes!  The mystery woman from the hotel has finally arrived.  Seeing the butler still standing near the open door he said, "Hobson, could you please pull another chair over to the table so the constable can sit our mystery lady down."

As the bobby arranged the clothing, the inspector said, "Carefully now, she’s rather delicate.  Actually…” looking at the reaction of the two women sitting across from him he continued, “...Poor woman, she’s dead now.  Some one cut her throat, stabbed her in the eye and cut off one of her appendages; one I’m sure would be sorely missed if she were still alive.”

Amelia frowned slightly and Lady Charlesworth cocked an eyebrow as if wondering where this rather comical but crude conversation was going. 

After taking another sip of tea Inspector Sandy Addison said to the patiently waiting but somewhat bewildered bobby, “You may go now but don’t stray too far.” be continued...don't miss the exciting conclusion in three days.

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