Wednesday, December 5, 2012


     Newly Renovated Baby-Barn

          Almost five months has passed since I wrote the last Blog, and no, I didn't quit writing because someone highlighted the "boring" button at the bottom of the page, because believe me, some of the stuff I write regarding my daily living routine, like a great many other people in the world, is agreeably downright boring.  Nor did I stop writing because I had writer's "block", was ill, depressed, having a romantic affair, nor did I die, which some people who read these ramblings had feared and asked about, after all, I am 71 years old now, where life is definitely a crap shoot - however, on that note, I'm still rollin' 7's and 11's no snake-eyes or double boxcars yet!  Nope, the main reason my Blog suddenly went silent was because I was so freakin' busy renovating the baby-barn that I'd bought last winter and had skidded down to our 50 acres located at the base of Green Mountain, Fosterville, NB.
          I suppose I could have wrote a wee Blog, showing photos of the work in progress during the summer and autumn but I refrained, just wanted to get the job done and out of the way before the winter snow and ice arrived.  At the moment, instead of snow and ice, it's pouring outside - the heavy rain drops sounding rather delightful as they do a tap dance on the metal roof, not even an arm's length overhead.  Yup, my new studio is as comfortable and as cosy as a shoe box to a wee kitten.  As you can see from the photo, I've yet to complete the exterior of the building - that's a spring time job.  At the corner of the building in the photo is a dark line, which is an 18" deep trench by approx. 40' that I dug through crushed gravel so the electrician, Larry Lawrence could hook up the electrical power from the house.  Let me tell you, that was one hell of a back-breaking job for this old guy - 7 hours steady digging, my back so sore and slightly bent over, I was more than a little glad to limp on into the house, set me down in a chair while Sarah (my wife) poured me the stiffest gin and grapefruit juice I ever knocked back, a quick bite to eat, then another equally stiff drink, then off to the bathtub where I eased myself into the hottest water my body could take.  I was in complete and utter bliss; woke up three hours later to my pocket book floating in the water.

Baby-Barn Interior - downstairs and the loft.  Hopefully to be my studio of creativity - lots of painting and writing through the cold winter months.

          I have to be honest about how I'm feeling at the moment, concerning writing this Blog; truthfully, although it's had over 8,000 hits, not too many people have signed up for the Newsletter or have become a special friend that's posted on the side of the Blog.  I've pondered about continuing writing the Blog for the past couple of weeks, procrastination riding heavy on my shoulders and then thought, what the hey - I enjoy writing and these ramblings of mine help keep me thinking and being a touch creative - I guess a person could say, this Blog is more for me than those that read it, although having said that, I really do enjoy and appreciate hearing any comments (positive or negative) that a reader sends either by email, Facebook or right here.  
          Although my summer months were filled with mostly physical jobs and I whined and complained about how old and sore I was, should have been doing this sort of thing when I was younger, I have to admit that at this age, I'm still in pretty good shape for an old guy; eat and drink pretty much anything, physically active, mind is still clear and believe it or not, still have a pretty steady sex-life - who am I to complain - a lot of my friends and some of my close relatives that were younger than me are now lookin' up at the flowers instead of down.  I'm thankful for a lot of the little things in life - a beautiful leaf, sunrise, cloud, even a woman, still takes my breath away.  The rain on my back, the crunch of snow underfoot, a cold breeze and a warm hearth and heart to return to makes me yell inside, "It's so good to be alive!"  And on that note, to anyone who is still reading this Blog, (I just popped the top off a cold beer, even if it is 10:00am) - cheers, eh!


  1. Wow! Can see why you've been quiet on your blog. But what a great studio space you've made, love it. An accomplishment to be pleased with at any age :-)

  2. Thanks Bren - always glad to hear from you. Still got a few things to put together inside like some shelving and a wee storage room. If memory strikes me correctly, I believe you're an artist as well - what sort of work do you do? Cheers, eh!

    1. I am Len, a newly acquired title as I only began painting a few years ago, abstract and mixed media.
