Monday, March 14, 2011


After the tense sexual drama, raw violence and ugly words that were used to creat  Interview With a Hooker, which incidentally was completely fictional, I've calmed down.  Besides short stories, I sometimes dabble with poetry - not that it's easier to write but sometimes what I have on my mind doesn't take paragraphs to explain - just a few chosen words are just as effective.  

I am saddened by the sad condition our world is in and whether or not it dies before I do, either way I have loved it.  Although I have tried not to leave any heavy foot prints from my being here, I know that I've failed.  Like many, we all blame big business and politics for the blatant failures that are staring us in the face as we watch our world die; a scrap heap: the legacy for our children, but we don't have to look any further than ourselves to know that we are just as guilty.  To think the human race is intelligent and we are in God's image; how absurd is that thinking; what a fallacy - talk about an over-inflated ego.  I've been called a cynic many times but I'm not a cynic.  I've been called negative many times but I'm not negative.  I've been called a dreamer many times and yes, I am a dreamer.  I dream of many things but when I open my eyes at my surroundings, I know most of them will never come true.  However, that being said, some have come true.  I live in a beautiful place and I live with a beautiful woman - what more does a man really need?

Our Home

Beauty surrounds me
Verdant forests, blue lakes
Golden rod meadows and distant mountains

I’m grateful for small things
A brook bubbling by a path
Soft flower petals; the aroma exquisite
Mossy rocks, twisty roots
Fiddleheads and stinging nettles
Scurrying furry little animals
Twittering birds that fly overhead
The bear, the moose
Svelte deer and bushy raccoons
Jumping fish and frothy waves
Iridescent dragonfly wings
All have a place in my heart

The moon at night
Silver and glowing
Stars, comets and meteorites
The sun on my shoulder
And the wind on my back
Rain streaming down my face
Bringing tears of delight

The Universe is vast, mysterious
The Earth, our home
There’s no need to know everything
Just be thankful; appreciate
And enjoy the stay


Sarah, my wife
She’s amazing
A marvelous mystery

She’s easy on the eyes
A joy to my ears
Soft, cuddly; so nice to touch
And be touched in return

When I’m down
Feeling as faded as my jeans
She lifts me up
Raises me to lofty heights

She’s witty, sarcastic and funny
A real comedienne
Keeps me in stitches
Deepening and lengthening my laugh lines
Making my sides hurt

She’s intelligent, intuitive
Encouraging and forgiving
A woman of depth; of sincerity

She’s a mother, a homemaker
A baker of bread, food on the table
Practical and spontaneous
Her daughters’ delight

Before shutting my eyes
We snuggle in the night
And she's a joy to wake up to
Before starting my day

Yes, she’s all of those things
Even more, a whole lot more
And I’m glad she’s my wife
Because I’m hoping, yes I’m hoping
That a good part of her will rub off on me.

Loves my Sarah


  1. THANK YOU! Love both poems! My handsome! :)

  2. Thanks honey - we probably sound sucky - hahaha - but I love you just as much if not more than the day we were wed.

  3. Lovely!! It is wonderful to have someone who moves closer to you with time, rather than move away from you. I too am equally lucky, as David and I grow closer with time, even after 8yrs, which was when you grew away. His love, like yours for your Sarah, grows deeper, as does mine for him. Aint life wonderous and amazing............. So happy for you both.
    your old friend.......S--
